Title/Initiative BingoCollect PRD
Date & Version November 25, 2023 - 5.1
Product - Point of Contact (POC) Anjana Krishan, Augustine Thomas, Shashank Bharadwaj
Design POC Augustine Thomas
Tech POC Anjana Krishan
Marketing POC Shashank Bharadwaj

Why? (Objective)

Bingo offers a tailored visualization and collaboration platform for seamless end-to-end product management, empowering Product Managers through each phase from discovery to deployment and ongoing metric tracking. By centralizing insights from customers, teams, and stakeholders, Bingo establishes a unified source of truth, enhancing the efficiency of delivering impactful products.

Extensive user research among mid-high level PMs in enterprise companies highlighted a pressing need for a centralized repository of diverse customer feedback sources. They seek freedom in leveraging this data to prioritize product features objectively. Observational studies underscore an opportunity to integrate and represent user research data more cohesively, enhancing accessibility and purpose.

How do we measure success?

North Star Metric: ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue)


Awareness Metrics:

  1. Project Bingo Landing Page Visits:
    1. KPI: 80% of total traffic should land on Project Bingo Homepage
  2. Total Number of Demos:
    1. KPI: 30% of page visitors should opt in for demo from sales team

Adoption Metric:

  1. Module Usage
    1. KPI: 80% of Project Bingo users to use all the modules within 2 months of launch

Guardrail Metrics:

  1. JIRA ARR:
    1. KPI: JIRA ARR should not reduce below 3%
  2. NPS:
    1. KPI: Should not drop below 2 points

Who are the users:

User Persona:

Name: Matthew Rogers

Title: Senior Product Manager

Company: Google

Income: $250K/year

Location: Seattle, WA

Goal: Launch successful products aligned with goals, ensuring clear communication and stakeholder alignment during development.
